
Domicile & Residence Tax

An individual's domicile and residence for tax purposes is extremely important when undertaking any tax planning.

Whilst the law relating to one's residence is simpler than it once was, the law relating to domicile and residence is still very complicated and, without proper advice, clients may unwittingly end up becoming liable for tax when they otherwise would not.


We have a number of clients, both UK nationals and overseas clients, for whom we have undertaken tax planning involving their domicile and/or residence. With the world becoming a much smaller place, there is a greater opportunity for clients to undertake tax planning using their domicile and/or residence to their advantage.

To find out more about domicile and residence please contact one of our specialist lawyers by email or call us on 020 7222 5381.


  • Anna Gaston
      • 020 7222 5381
      • View profile
  • Catherine Pugsley
      • 07435 015 723
      • View profile
  • Megan Morgan
      • 0207 960 7266
      • View profile
  • Elizabeth Cooper
      • 020 7222 5381
      • View profile
  • Beatrice Lewers
      • 0207 2225381
      • View profile
  • Laura Southern
      • 020 7222 5381
      • View profile
  • Michael Fletcher
      • 020 7960 7195
      • View profile
  • Clare Bristow
      • 0207 2225381
      • View profile