We have an experienced team which regularly interacts with the Charity Commission, obtaining schemes to amend governing documents and orders to permit the trustees to take actions they would not otherwise be able to do. We can advise on seeking trustee orders, vesting orders, conflict of interest orders and connected party transaction orders from the Commission.
We also offer a full support service for charities subject to formal investigation by the Charity Commission. We help trustees to understand the concerns the Commission has, their rights to challenge decisions of the Commission in connection with the inquiry and to frame their submissions and responses in a way that the Commission can easily and fully understand. We advise charities subject to monitoring or other regulatory inquiries and can prepare responses and collate relevant information for submission. We support the trustees in achieving their goal of a fully compliant charity that satisfies the Commission that it is being run appropriately for the public benefit.
As part of this we can also offer governance reviews, advice on restructuring and the adoption of policies to reduce the risk of further action by the Commission or in response to key failings highlighted by the Commission.